Dachshunds are amazing little dogs, but they require a bit more care than other breeds. We share a little bit with you about doxies in general. Then, we've got some great tips and information on how to care for your dachshund. We also wanted to share some of the best dachshund books we've found, in case you would like to learn more about wiener dogs.
We've had many questions about the toys shown in Stroganoff's book, so we've included a list of his doxie toys with links to them. Finally, we've got a fun little list of products that will help keep your sausage dog safe.

Dachshund is German for "Badger Dog" and they go by many names: doxies, wiener dogs, sausage dogs, or hot dogs. They were originally bred to be hunting dogs and are little dogs with a big bark.
Come in all shapes and sizes from mini's like Stroganoff to standards.
Can weigh anywhere from 11 to 32 pounds.
Come in all colors and can have smooth, wire, or long fur.
They are little dogs with big personalities. They can make great pets, but they need special care because of their backs.

Obesity is a big problem for doxies, always make sure they eat healthy and get plenty of exercise.
Letting your pup get too chubby can put stress on their back and hips which can lead to major problems.

Their backs can be sensitive and prone to injury, treat all doxies with care when you pick them up.
Pick up the front half and the back half of the doxie at the same time.
They love to jump and climb stairs! It's nearly impossible, but try to limit their jumping and stair climbing.
When they land from jumping it puts a lot of pressure on their backs and legs.

Car Rides
We found Stroganoff does well in the car, but likes to constantly be on our laps which can be hazardous and unsafe.
Flopping around the seats or floor can also be unsafe and stressful.
He rides in a pet carrier that secures him to his harness. He really seems to enjoy it and feels safe.
We call it a Doxie Box, check it out below.

Love & Training
Doxies are quite intelligent but can be very stubborn.
Don't give up on training them, they just need love and a lot of positive reinforcement.
Stroganoff loves hugs, but always make sure their back is safe when you go to hug them.
Hug gently if your pup is just a little dog.​

Big floppy ears are adorable but they are also great places to hide dirt.
Keep those ears healthy and clean.
Always wash behind their ears.
Practice safe ear cleaning, if you don't know how to safely clean their ears, ask your vet.

Stroganoff loves all kinds of toys but they have to be very durable. Even as a little guy, he will destroy anything we give him.
Pick toys that are really durable and strong to reduce the likelihood of ingestion or choking.
Here are some of his favorite toys:

Are you considering adopting a wiener dog? Would you like to add a dachshund to your family? Do you already have a doxie and would like to learn more? We selected a few highly regarded books on dachshunds to help you learn more about these amazing little dogs. Please take a look at this collection of some of the best books on dachshunds.
Here is the list of best dachshund books, in no particular order:
1. Dachshunds- A Complete Pet Owner's Manual
2. The Complete Guide to Miniature Dachshunds
3. Dachshund Training Volume 1
4. Dachshund Training Volume 2
5. The Complete Guide to Dachshunds

We've had a lot of interest in the toys and safety items Stroganoff uses, so we created this section of the website to share some of Stroganoff's favorite doxie toys with you. We think your pup will enjoy these toys too. A lot of the items we use regularly, and they have worked well for us. Other items we've got on our wishlist, or just thought they were fun.

Pet safety is a critical topic that is easily overlooked. Dachshund safety is critical because of their backs. These are things we may not readily think of for pet safety, but they can help prevent serious accidents. Here are cool items we use, or recommend using to help keep your furry family member safe.